Have you ever been caught in anger or rage, not able to move beyond it? Does it sap you of your personal power and satisfaction? If so, my Blowing Out the Darkness program is for you.
My name is Dave MacQuarrie. I am a retired physician and psychotherapist who had worked in the anger management field for over 25 years in Ontario and British Columbia. I am currently based in West Vancouver and function as a coach in emotional management.
The need for good anger management is so great. Anger is the canary in the coal mine of our society, an early warning sign of the overwhelming power of the pain so many of the dysfunctions in our society generate – stress, trauma, depression, and more.
My ‘blowing out’ process, with its sophisticated but simple tools, has helped thousands of people, men and women, live into the healing depths of the Serenity Prayer – “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Details are available in my book Blowing Out the Darkness: The Management of Emotional Life Issues, Especially Anger and Rage. I also have a PhD in Spirituality. The book arising from my dissertation is Acedia: The Darkness Within (and the darkness of Climate Change). Unless we learn to manage our emotional health, we will not resolve the underlying issues of global warming; we will not survive as a species.
Interested? Know someone who might benefit? Check out my free ‘Email Anger Management’ program. For personal work, give me a call at 604-725-4707 or send me an email at dave.macq@icloud.com to set up a free exploration of the benefits that might flow from our collaboration.
Together, you can be more awake and adept at living beyond anger into serenity, courage and wisdom. You can live more effectively.

Grab a copy here!!!
Grab a copy here!!!

There are many books written on the need to change consciousness but rarely does anyone explore the depths of humanity's refusal to do so, even under threat of the approaching cataclysm in our refusal to deal with climate change. Dave MacQuarrie has written such a book. In it, he explains both why it is so difficult for us to change turd what all of us can do to become more aware and more free of the darkness within. It is a superb book.
- Jim Garrison. President and CEO of Ubiquity University. and author of Civilization and the Transformation of Potter.
Acedia is a well-informed and inspired book about the historical and psychological origins of a centuries old affliction. Acedia masterfully connects the dots between personal psychological traumas and looming environmental collapse. Dr. MacQuarrie pulls no punches, yet offers a ray of hope that we just might save our future.
- Christian de Quincey, PhD, Professor of Philosophy and Consciousness Studies, John F. Kennedy University, and author of Ranal Nature: The Soul of Matter.
This is a wise, searching book by an authentic scholar and seeker. It helps us enter into the darker waters of our crisis, and find their treasures of dark wisdom and endurance.
- Andrew Harvey. poet. mystical scholar. Founder/Director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, and author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism.
Dr. MacQuarrie has lifted the ancient monastic curse of twee& out of its medieval tomb and applied it aptly to the disease of the contemporary world. His interpretation of the human resistance is perceptive and provides important insights into our present inclination to repudiate changes that demand action on our part. A serious and sensitive work
- Father John-Julian. an Episcopal priest and contemplative monk, translator of Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love.

Thanks, Cliff. I am in the process of arranging audiobooks. Not sure yet when I suggest you keep checking.
Hi Dave! I recently came across a book titled Blowing Out the Darkness: The Management of Emotional Life Issues, Especially Anger and Rage by Dave MacQuarrie, and it really resonated with me. The insights and tools offered in the book are incredibly valuable, and I believe that this content would be even more impactful in an audiobook format. I was wondering if you could tell me if an audiobook version is available for this title? If not, I think this book truly deserves to be made into an audiobook, as it could reach and help so many more people who might benefit from listening rather than reading. Let me know if audiobook is available so I can buy it from Amazon. Thanks so much!
This is my review based on my understanding reading this book. I love it! Blowing Out the Darkness offers a transformative approach to emotional management, providing me and readers with a unique blend of philosophical insight and practical tools. The book tackles complex emotional issues such as anger, rage, and depression, offering strategies that are applicable to a wide range of emotional challenges. One of the standout features of this book is its focus on conflict resolution, particularly when dealing with non-cooperative individuals. The emphasis on identifying and living one's values adds a layer of depth, guiding readers toward greater emotional maturity. The author also critiques the societal shift toward technology and objectivity, arguing for a renewed appreciation of subjective skills as a path to personal and collective healing. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to navigate their emotional landscape with greater awareness and effectiveness I highly recommend this book! Please let me know if there's an audiobook available online for it. Cheers! -Cliff